Thursday, September 23, 2010

NICODA Meets the Mayor

Immigrant Voices was a brilliant success! Thanks to the wonderful line-up of artists, volunteers and a great audience for making it such a special event. It was wonderful to see such an ethnically diverse group of artists from all areas of performing arts on the NICODA stage. The media is responding wonderfully with radio, television, and newspaper interviews about the organization's unique programs and opportunities. NICODA is indeed The New International Center of Diverse Artists. We welcome your well-wishing!


Raquel Miller, NICODA's founder, recently had the opportunity to be a Guest Speaker at a business success seminar produced by Kiwanis International and held at The West Side Tennis Club at Forest Hills. She spoke about founding and growing the NICODA organization in a troubled economy, as well the innovative and unique strategies used in making the organization a success. Artists, email for opportunities.

No less than New York City's Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, is impressed by NICODA's outlook and expressed his enthusiasm in a conversation with Raquel, resulting in a meeting between NICODA and The Commissioner of New York's Dept of Cultural Affairs. Many opportunities for artists will result from this meeting.

NICODA Brings Culturally Diverse Artists into New York's Classrooms

With budgets strained, many schools are in need of assistance maintaining arts education. To fill this need, NICODA is partnering with various schools to help provide an avenue to the arts by introducing students to rare instruments, unique performance styles and lectures on the performance traditions of other cultures. Students are then encouraged to explore their own unique style of art in a performance held at the end of the school year. If you are interested in participating, please email